Infertility In Females and Males

In today blog I will explain you how you should go about pregnancy and how to deal with Infertility naturally.

Before getting into the depth infertility I would like to give you a brief of pregnancy.


  • Pregnancy is when a female mammal has an unborn baby inside her. During pregnancy, a female is called "pregnant". 
  • A human pregnancy is about 38 weeks long, from conception to childbirth. 
  • Usually the Mother has one baby at a time But the mother can have three or more babies at one time
How does Pregnancy Happens

Pregnancy usually starts after a woman has sexual intercourse with a man. Her ovum (or egg) and his sperm (seed) come together and form a zygote (fertilized egg) inside her.... 

Why a Girl / Women doesn't get Pregnant ?

Some common reasons for infertility in women include: 
      not ovulating (not releasing eggs from your ovaries)
       your fallopian tubes are blocked so sperm can’t get to your egg
       poor egg quality
       the shape of your uterus makes it hard for a fertilized egg to implant
      Are over age 35 or 40 Have irregular or absent periods
       Had multiple miscarriages
       Have undergone treatment for cancer
       Unhealthy body weight
       Abnormal cervical mucus
      Other hormonal imbalance

If you are thinking about pregnancy or currently trying to get pregnant, congratulation on the decision to start a family ! 

Trying to conceive can be over whelming and, at times, it may feel like ok. If you are thinking about getting pregnant, getting your body in tip-top shape can only help the process. 

At least three months before you start trying, make sure you add this four priorities to your to-do list. 

1. Maintain a Healthy Weight
Having a normal body mass index (BMI) is important for your overall heath, but it’s also key for conception. Being underweight or overweight can increase your chances of encountering fertility issues. While many underweight or overweight women have no problem conceiving, ovulation issues are more common in these two groups. A BMI between 18 and 23 is considered normal, while below 18 is underweight and above 23 is overweight or obese.

2. Up your nutrients
Maintaining a healthy weight is one thing, but you should also be more conscious about the nutrient density of your food, as well as any supplementation.

A well-balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, lean protein, whole grains, and dairy will promote the normal functioning of your reproductive system

Following nutrients to be keep in check:- 

Folic acid: Women of childbearing age should consume 400 micrograms of folic acid per day. This vitamin can be obtained through dark leafy greens, citrus, legumes, and fortified bread and cereal. You can also take a supplement.

Calcium: women of childbearing age should consume at least 1,000 milligrams of calcium daily, which can be obtained through low-fat milk, Yogurt, dark leafy Greens, and even tofu

Prenatal vitamins: You can try different brands of prenatal vitamins before you get pregnant to see what works best for you. Some options include vegan, vegetarian, and gummy varieties. Some prenatals already include DHA, or you might need an additional supplement. You can to your doctor also for a prescription of prenatal vitamin, depending on your needs.

Disclaimer: You should visit your Gynaecologist for the medicine or supplements.

3. Limit caffeine and alcohol
It’s also important to monitor your caffeine intake while trying to conceive. Limit to no more than 200 to 300 milligrams per day, according to most experts. While there’s no clear link between caffeine consumption and fertility, some research does suggest that it can lead to fertility problems or miscarriage.

4. Start Exercising Regularly
Not only will being fit make pregnancy and labor/delivery easier on your body, but participating in moderate physical activity may help you to conceive as well.
One study found that moderate exercise (considered walking, leisurely biking, and golfing) was related to a shorter conception period.
On the other hand, the study also found that among normal weight women who were struggling to conceive, intense exercise (such as running, biking, and vigorous swimming) decreased the chance of conception by 42 percent. This effect was not seen in women who were overweight or obese.

More research needs to be done on the correlation between vigorous physical activity and Infertility.
So I would suggest you not to do a rigorous exercise during the conceiving phase and go for a walk or yoga or light exercise

If you and your partner are trying to conceive a baby, you may be looking for information about how to increase sperm count to improve your chances of getting pregnant. 

A healthy sperm count is necessary for fertility.
For pregnancy to occur, only one sperm and one egg are needed, so why does sperm count matter? In short, it increases the odds for a successful pregnancy. When a man ejaculates into a woman, the chances that one sperm will reach and implant itself into an egg increases if more sperm are in the semen.

Normal semen contains 40 million to 300 million sperm per milliliter. A low sperm count is considered to be anything between 10 and 20 million sperm per milliliter. Twenty million sperm per milliliter may be adequate for pregnancy if the sperm are healthy. 

You can determine your sperm count through a semen analysis. You can get the analysis done at your doctor's office, a fertility clinic.

Understanding your semen analysis

A semen analysis tests for the following:
       number of sperm (volume)
       shape of sperm
       movement of sperm, or “sperm motility”
The number, shape, and mobility of sperm are important for testing for male factor infertility. Your doctor may recommend testing up to three samples of sperm at different visits to get an accurate analysis. 

How does sperm count affect fertility?

Sperm count can affect fertility because your chance of getting your partner pregnant decreases with a lower sperm count. Problems with the quality of sperm can also affect your chances of getting a woman pregnant.
Male infertility factor, often due to a low sperm count, is a common reason many couples have trouble conceiving.

Read further to know how you can really improve sperm health and quality 

1.  Lose weight 
Losing weight if you’re overweight is one of the single-most effective things you can do to increase sperm count. Studies Trusted Source have shown that weight loss can significantly increase semen volume, concentration, and mobility, as well as the overall health of sperm.

2. Exercise
Even if you don’t need to lose weight, staying active and leading a healthy lifestyle can help boost your sperm count. One study Trusted Source found that weightlifting and outdoors exercise can help sperm health more than other types of exercise. Consider incorporating these kinds of activities into your routine. Exercise can also help you maintain or lose weight, which may have additional benefits for your sperm health.

3. Take your vitamins
Some types of vitamins, including vitamins D, C, E, and CoQ10, are important for sperm health.
One study Trusted Source showed that taking 1,000 mg of vitamin C every day can help men’s sperm concentration and mobility. The overall sperm count won’t improve, but the sperm can become more concentrated and able to move more efficiently. That can boost your chances of conceiving successfully.

Talk to your doctor about testing your vitamin levels. They can do this using a simple blood test. 

4. Avoid substance abuse
   Low sperm counts and unhealthy sperm have been to people with a history of:
       heavy drinking, which is defined as drinking two or more alcoholic drinks per day
       tobacco use of any kind
       illegal drug use, including cocaine and anabolic steroids 

5. Check your environment
Consider changing your clothes and showering as soon as possible if you’ve been exposed to:
       paint strippers
       non-water based glues or paints
       other endocrine disruptors
Those toxins may affect sperm count. If you’re exposed to any of these things because of a hobby, consider putting your hobby on hold until after you’ve successfully conceived. 

6. Wear loose, cotton boxers
 Keeping your sperm at an adequate temperature and allowing lots of air flow to the scrotum can help cultivate the right environment for healthy sperm. If you don’t feel comfortable wearing boxers, choose cotton briefs instead of synthetic ones. That will still help control air flow and temperature. 

Read on to find out which nutrients and foods promote sperm health. 

1.   Zinc
          Zinc has been shown to play a role in regulating sperm count and quality. Men who are infertile tend to have lower zinc levels than men who are fertile
You can up your intake by eating:
       red meat and poultry
       shellfish, such as crab and lobster
       fortified breakfast cereals
       nuts and bean
For supplements contact your doctor as I can tell you about food sources only. 

2. Folate
Folate is a B vitamin that has been to sperm health. Low folate is associated with damaged sperm DNA, lower sperm densities, and lower sperm counts.
You can up your intake by eating:
       green, leafy vegetables, such as spinach, romaine lettuce, Brussels sprouts, and asparagus
       fruits and fruit juices, especially oranges and orange juice
nuts, beans, and peas
       whole grains
       fortified breakfast cereals
       enriched flour products, such as breads and pasta
For supplements contact your doctor as I can tell you about food sources only. 

3. Vitamin B-12
Vitamin B-12 is a critical nutrient to overall sperm health. Research has shown that it improves sperm motility, increases sperm count, and reduces sperm DNA damage.
      You can up your intake by eating:
       fish and seafood, especially clams
       meats and poultry, especially liver
       dairy products, such as eggs and milk
       fortified breakfast cereals
       nutritional yeasts
For supplements contact your doctor as I can tell you about food sources only. 

4. Vitamin C
Vitamin C is an antioxidant that plays an important role in male fertility. Increasing vitamin C intake has been shown to improve sperm motility, count, and morphology.
You can up your intake by eating:
      citrus fruits and their juices
       sweet peppers
       other fruits, such as kiwi, strawberries, and cantaloupe
       other vegetables, such as tomatoes, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, potatoes
       fortified breakfast cereals, dairy, and other food products
For supplements contact your doctor as I can tell you about food sources only. 

5. Vitamin D
Vitamin D supplements have been linked to increases in testosterone and improved sperm motility.
However, another study found that levels of low vitamin D aren’t a risk factor for poor sperm quality. More research is needed to truly understand whether vitamin D has an effect.
You can up your intake by eating:
       oily fish, such as salmon, mackerel, and tuna
       beef liver
       egg yolks
       fortified milk, yogurt, and other food products
For supplements contact your doctor as I can tell you about food sources only. 

6. Coenzyme Q10
Coenzyme Q10, also known as CoQ10, is an antioxidant that all living cells need to function. Research shows that CoQ10 supplements can increase semen quality in men who are infertile.
You can up your intake by eating:
       meats and poultry, especially beef and chicken
       fish, such as herring and trout
       plant-based oils, including soybean and canola oil
       nuts and seeds, especially peanuts, sunflower seeds, and pistachios
For supplements contact your doctor as I can tell you about food sources only. 

7. Vitamin E
Along with other antioxidants, vitamin E may help improve sperm quality. Vitamin E has antioxidant properties that protect sperm from damage.
          You can up your intake by eating:
      plant-based oils, such as corn, safflower, sunflower, and soybean oils
      nuts and seeds
      green vegetables, such as broccoli and spinach
      fortified juices, margarines, and other food products
For supplements contact your doctor as I can tell you about food sources only. 

8. D-aspartic acid
          D-aspartic acid is an amino acid implicated in the regulation of male sex hormones, such as testosterone. Some research has shown that sodium D-aspartic acid supplements can increase sperm concentration and motility.
          You can up your intake by eating:
      meats and poultry
      eggs and dairy products, including low-fat milk, cheese, and yogurt
      grains, such as oat bran, rice, and fortified pastas
      fresh and dried fruits
      fortified breakfast cereals
For supplements contact your doctor as I can tell you about food sources only. 

9. L-arginine
An amino acid, L-arginine appears to play several different roles in male fertility. Inside the body, it transforms into nitric oxide, which promotes sperm function.
L-arginine supplements have been found to increase sperm count in rabbits at certain doses. However, the same study found that too high of a dose of L-arginine decreased sperm motility. You should talk to your doctor about how L-arginine may affect you before adding more to your diet.
          You can up your intake by eating:
      meats and poultry, such as pork loin, turkey, and chicken
      nuts and seeds, especially pumpkin seeds and peanuts
      beans and lentils
      dairy products
For supplements contact your doctor as I can tell you about food sources only. 

10. Fenugreek seeds
Fenugreek seed extract may increase testosterone levels, which are linked to sperm production and health. Study outcomes are varied, though.
One study found that fenugreek seed extract may only maintain healthy testosterone levels. So more research needed for same.

11. Ashwagandha root
Ashwagandha root, or withania somnifera, is an herbal remedy with antioxidant properties. Some recent research suggests Ashwagandha root may improve semen quality.
In one study, participants who took 5 grams of Ashwagandha root powder for three months experienced a significant improvement in semen quality.

12. Ginseng root
Ginseng supplements may several factors related to sperm health, including count and motility. Ginsenoside, an active ingredient in ginseng, may stimulate nitric oxide production, which is related to sperm function.
You should talk to your doctor before consuming ginseng. It’s associated with changes in blood pressure and other potentially harmful side effects.

Hope the above blog help you in some way. I tried to put lot of knowledge which is useful for family planning.

 If you have any other query then you can mention in the comment section I will get back to you with the reply. If you wanna know more about me you can follow me on social media handles.              

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